
Encephalitis-Inflammation of the brain, usually caused by a viral infection

Enterovirus-A virus that lives in the gastrointestinal tract but may multiply there and invade other parts of the body

Nucleotides-A component of RNA and DNA, consisting of a nucleoside(componant of RNA) linked to a phosphate group

Pharyngeal-found in, affecting, or relating to the throat

Paralytic-relating to loss of voluntary movement

Pathogen-something that can cause disease, e.g. a bacterium, fungi or a virus

Ribonucleic acid-a nucleic acid containing ribose found in all living cells, essential for protein synthesis. RNA also acts instead of DNA as the genetic material in some viruses.

Virulent-extremely poisonous, infectious, or damaging to organisms

Oral-describes medicines that are taken by mouth

Antibody-a protein produced by B cells in the body in response to the presence of an antigen, e.g. a bacterium or virus. Antibodies are a primary form of immune response in resistance to disease and act by attaching themselves to a foreign antigen and weakening or destroying it.

Antigen-a substance, usually a protein, on the surface of a cell or bacterium that stimulates the production of an antibody